Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stay awhile and listen!

Oh! Well, hello there.

Welcome to my blog and thanks for dropping by. This post is a bit special in that it is my very first, the progenitor to all my future works. If you happen to be reading this near to the original posting date, know that in ten years you can tell your friends with an air of superiority that you were there back in the day, that you were reading Evan's blog before it was "the thing to do." With any luck, this blog will have been "retooled" and sold out to corporate interests by that point; that you will recall a time before the blog went downhill will only net you further street cred.

Anyways, I just thought I'd get this set up today, since the weather's being all Tokio Hotel right now. But now I find myself called away to walk those rain-slick streets. Wish me luck, hopefully post here again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Well by golly, I'd even be willing to venture that the weather is being all "raining men!"

    Also, hooray for blogs! I figure 50 or so years down the road, I'll print out everything on my blog and let various children-folk (perhaps my own?) read about my mundane daily activities. it'll be like a memoir...a very. boring. memoir.
