Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mission Basically Accomplished! Except, of course, for the grueling feats of endurance

News across the wire is that Eric "Winjlin" Winokur has just exceeded his fundraising goal for the Boston Marathon. So at this point he's raised a paltry $8,637 for Dana Farber. Yeah, no big deal, just eight thousand, six hundred and thirty-seven dollars. It's smashing news, and I'd like to take a moment to recognize this achievement in philanthropy.

Now all that's left for Eric is a 26-mile marathon. It's barely worth mentioning, I know, but since we were on the subject of unimpressive numbers I thought, What the hell?

So, anyways, congratulations Eric for accruing a truly astonishing amount of ice for an extremely worthy cause. We'll all be pulling for you on race day! Make sure to drink plenty of fluids, and also don't die!

(For anyone wishing to donate who hasn't yet -- do you really need me to tell you to? Just click here)

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