Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Prodigal Son Refuses To Acknowledge Fault

It's been brought to my attention that I have not, in fact, posted to this blog since May of 2009. Which is utterly irrelevant if you think about it, because whether or not I posted to this blog in particular, I have in fact been writing. I really had every intention of posting here, and y'know, it's not like anyone was knocking down my door to let me know that it wasn't being updated, being like, "Where are our updates?" (Also, and not like I have to make excuses, but things have been really busy around here -- like, really busy.)
In fact, if you want to know the truth, I really thought that I was posting to the blog! Yes, that's right! Every day I was working tirelessly to ensure this blog's continued relevance and success, and every day my posting was thwarted. By whom? It isn't clear at this point, and we may never know for sure. But the point is, I'm back, and while some of you may have noticed some "service outages" over the last 11 months, all we can do now is try to move forward.

1 comment:

  1. i did a double-take when i opened up google reader today and had an alert that you updated your blog. GASP!

    don't feel too bad, my once-a-day posting habit has dwindled to once a week. we should quit our jobs and blog full-time is what i'm saying.
