Friday, April 24, 2009

This Is a Call

Afflicted by yet another bout of illness most intermittently heinous, I find in my possession a great deal of free time and precious little energy to do anything with it. As evidence to the fact, I submit that over the past 48 hours I have accomplished nothing and learned the following three facts:
  • The best daytime television program, hands down, is Martha Speaks
  • The second best is Phineas and Ferb (A great show, but does it boast lexiconal canines? It cannot, and we must judge it accordingly.)
  • Vomiting beats the hell out of diet and exercise for rapid and reliable weight loss
A fourth fact, unrelated to my bedridden condition, is that Matt and Eli found a place and are moving on May 15th. That means we need to step up our "Moving-Out/Breaking-of-the-Fellowship Party." Unfortunately, I do not have the energy for party planning (see above). I am wizened, almost on the eve of my 25th birthday, and as feeble of mind as I am of stomach. So the call goes out to one of you (a roommate, perhaps?); will you, disdaining glory, not take up the mantle of Party Planner? Or will you instead become an architect of merriment, the valorous flame that kindles joy in the hearts of men? I beseech you, noble soul, create the Facebook event that I am too lazy to make myself.

1 comment:

  1. ooo! i love planning parties. i'll do it remotely for the cost of 1 bag of M&Ms, 2 bags of creamy ranch soy crisps, a new pair of black high-top chucks, and 100 dollars (you can wire it to me if that would make it easier). y/y?

    also, i highly recommend catching an episode of "yo gabba gabba" while you're home watching kids' shows.

    feel better!
