Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weekend Wrap-Up

So I guess I never posted this "weekend wrap-up." Pretty lame to add it more than half-way through the week, right? Well, not as lame as you. Read on for answers to all the pressing questions that have plagued you these past three days:

One thing I forgot to mention in my last post is that I unknowingly walked by Ben Affleck on the Common last Wednesday. I was mildly curious as to why so many people were gathered around to watch a pickup game of football ("Don't these people have anything better to do?"), but didn't stop to gawk and, therefore, never got the chance to exchange phone numbers with Ben. I suspect that this won't be the greatest regret I have in life.

I made a spirited rebound from this week's stomach bug, just in time for Doug's birthday on Saturday. To test my limits I decided to get talked into drinking all day, which could have gone horrifically awry but ended up being fantastic. In order of occurrence: We grilled some food, played crazy French bocce (it's bocce with metal balls), said goodbye to ex-coworker Maxine (who now heads to Thailand to buy cheap tailored suits before moving to the West Coast), talked to Maxine's mom about ballroom dancing, shot some pool, got maybe-too-amped talking about politics with Doug's roomies (including Popular Sarah and Affable Luke), and then rounded out the night with a solid drunken-kitchen-conversation. Doesn't that sound like everything I could have hoped for?

In other news, there's a sense of restlessness slowly building in my professional life. As always, though, I'm wrestling with how to address the issue, i.e. which direction I should be headed. (If you're reading this and know what I should do with my life, feel free to pipe up, as that'd really be a great help.) The plan is to get off my ass and take some classes this summer and fall. Of course I'll probably be wracked with guilt for having spent the money when it's so tight, but who knows. Maybe at some future date I'll look back on this and realize that it wasn't just floundering. That's the hope, in any case; to arrive in a glorious future and know that your past decisions brought you there, though you might not have realized it then. Nothing to do but have some faith, I s'pose - and then hope that faith is rewarded.


  1. there's some cool courses in the summer that sound interesting. DO IT! i would take the illustrating graphic novels course, but that's just my humble opinion.

  2. you know what sucks about being in your mid-twenties? there is no direction. some people may call this "freedom" but I prefer to call it "hell." in middle school you prepare for high school. in high school you prepare for college. in college you prepare for graduation. then you find a job, being to grow tired of it, and have no real sense of direction as to where to go after that.

    and that SUCKS BALLZ.

    so yes, i guess now is the time to throw caution to the wind and hope that something awesome happens.

    what i'm saying is, take those classes at Emerson! money-shmoney! heck, i'm planning on taking off to boston with no job at all!

    however, if you do end up taking a course or two, make sure you are prepared to spend the entire summer in girl pants whilst chain-smoking on the corner of tremont st.
